
Channel 1 Community Events

Free Advertising

Non-profit community events, (non-profit organization number may be requested)
Birthday and Anniversary announcements.
Lost & Found items
Items to give away
Pictures e-mailed to cabletv@ezlink.ca for Birthdays or Anniversaries will be included at no charge.

We reserve the right to not put on any pictures or ads that are questionable or derogatory to any of the viewers.

Slides will run for a maximum of 2 weeks and will need to be sent in at least 1 week prior to air date.

Paid Advertising on Channel 1

Items for sale will be charged $30.00, (includes HST), and run for 7 days on Channel 1. The ad must be prepaid. (Limited number of items per ad)

Business Ad are $125 (plus HST $16.25= $141.25) for a week or $400 for a month (plus HST $52.00= $452.00). Monthly ads can have 2 free updates during the time they are running.

Payments can be paid by Cash or Cheque at the Dublin Office or mailed to MSC TV, PO Box 118, Dublin, On N0K 1E0

For Information please contact:
cabletv@msctv.ca or Call Cathy (226) 302-2341
Accessibility feedback

cabletv@msctv.ca • Call 226-302-2341 • Fax 519-345-2873
PO Box 118, 123 Ontario Street, Dublin, Ontario N0K 1E0